Working and submitted manuscripts

  • Zheng, X., Zammit-Mangion, A., and Cressie, N., (2024+). Generalized chi-squared processes for spatial pairwise-outcomes. (In preparation)

  • Zheng, X., Kottas, A., and Sansó, B. (2024+). Mixture modeling for temporal point processes with memory. (Invited revision; revised and resubmitted to JASA Theory & Methods).
    [link] [An earlier version received the 2023 ASA Business and Economics Statistics Section Student Paper Award]

  • Yan, Y., Zheng, X., and Kottas, A. (2024+). A new family of error distributions for Bayesian quantile regression. (Minor revision requested; Bayesian Analysis). [link]

  • [Ecology] Zheng, X., Cressie, N., Clarke, D. A., McGeoch, M. A., and Zammit-Mangion, A. (2024+). Spatial-statistical downscaling with uncertainty quantification in biodiversity modelling. (Invited revision requested; Methods in Ecology and Evolution). [link]

Refereed journal articles

  • Zheng, X., Kottas, A., and Sansó, B. (2023). Nearest-neighbor mixture models for non-Gaussian spatial processes. Bayesian Analysis, 18(4), 1191-1222.
    DOI: 10.1214/23-BA1405
    [arXiv] [code]
    [An earlier version received the 2022 ISBA Section on Environmental Sciences Student Paper Award]

  • Zheng, X., Kottas, A., and Sansó, B. (2023). Bayesian geostatistical modeling for discrete-valued processes. Environmetrics, 34(7), e2805. DOI: 10.1002/env.2805 [arXiv] [code]
    [The paper received the 2023 Wiley-TIES Best Environmetrics Paper Award (selected from all papers published in Environmetrics in 2023)]

  • Zheng, X., Kottas, A., and Sansó, B. (2022). On construction and estimation of stationary mixture transition distribution models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 31, 283-293. DOI: 10.1080/10618600.2021.1981342 [arXiv] [code]
    [An earlier version received the 2021 ASA Section on Bayesian Statistical Science Student Paper Award]